Hello lovelies sorry for the lack of posts for 12 days i have been a little busy as i went camping to a lovely little place called robin hoods bay and it was great to just get away. Right onto the post while i was away i was greeted with a lovely email from Alice as she had nominated me for a liebster award, if you do not know what this is or have never heard of it before ill explain, a liebster award is a way to give small new blogs with 200 followers or less a chance to explore and expand their blog and also so your followers can learn alot more about you as a person. If you are nominated you will be given 11 questions to answer and then you will have to give 11 facts about yourself followed by 11 questions you want to ask your 11 nominees well that was a lot of elevens hahaha. I was also nominated way back in June by the gorgeous Zoe and unfortunately i forgot to write this post so i will be answering both sets of questions in the same post if that's okay(:
Here are the rules of the award:
1. You must link back to the person who nominated you.
2. You must answer the 11 questions given to the nominee before you.
3. You pick 11 nominees with under 200 followers to answer your questions .
4. You cannot nominate the person who has nominated you.
5. You must tell the nominees that they have been nominated by you.
Alice's Questions
1) What's the most recent thing you bought?
i recently bought a khaki green jacket from Matalan for a bargain of £12.50 in the sale look here.
2) Who inspires you?
Well honestly i know this is like a television show and stuff but Ugly Betty shes just so determined and clever.
3) Coffee or Tea?
Eww neither i actually think i despise all hot drinks, except one.
4) Favourite item of clothing?
High Waisted Shorts, theyre just so versatile as you can wear them in winter with tights.
5) Favourite TV show and why?
Ugly Betty, however i do like a bit of Snog Marry Avoid now and again and that new show Girlfriends.
6) Silver or Gold?
Gold (or Rose Gold is pretty too)
7) Favourite thing in your make-up bag?
Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer, all time favourite sorry to be boring haha.
8) What's your favourite way to kill time?
Good question, well i love watching chick flicks or perhaps if im in a good mood go on Wii Fit.
9) Where's your favourite place?
Cornwall, to be more precise Padstow.
10) Do you have a pet, if so what is it?
oo Yes i do i have a black Labrador called Lola and a dwarf Rabbit called Elliot.
11) Where do you see your blog in 2 years?
Hmm id like to say that ill be still posting frequently but who knows what life throws at us:(
Zoe's Questions
1) Who is your style icon?
My style icon is someone who dresses casual like Nina Nesbitt or Caroline Flack.
2) Short hair or long hair?
Long for definate, im currently trying to grow it out so its even longer yayay!
3) Favourite perfume?
Hmm Marc Jacobs Oh lola.
4) What colour do you wear the most?
Blue Or white(:
5) French manicure or coloured nails?
Coloured mostly however i mostly go for a pattern.
6) Favourite magazine?
7) Do you prefer to save money or to spend it straight away?
Well i prefer to save it then spend it on a huge shopping trip but that never goes to plan i always spend it:(
8) Vans or Converse? (or neither!)
Ahhhh I cant choose i wear both equally, ill just have to go on what i have most of which is converse :S
9) How many countries have you been to and what are they?
Well i live in England, and i have been to Greece, France and Germany, not that many but its slowly growing.
10) Given £20 what would you buy with it?
Hmm some black flatforms from new look they're beautiful and i've been wanting some for ages.
11) What are you wearing right now?
I'm wearing a white Lace peplum top and some blue skinny jeans(:
Now for My 11 random Facts:
1. My dream job would be a designer or even working for a magazine like my idol.
2. I'm addicted to Nutella wraps and Hot Ribena they're just so good.
3. I have two ten year old sisters they're twins and i love them to pieces..
4. My Birthday is in exactly 29 days Woop Woop!!
5. Me and my sisters call the Jack in a deck of cards Jamie Oliver haha
6. I don't want the summer holidays to be over:(
7. I would love to live near the sea when im older.
8. Chicken Burgers over Beef Burgers any time.
9. Nail arts my favorite Hobby
10. I hate sport and always will unless its fun
11. I have Braces, they're teal at the moment:D
Now For the 11 Nominees
1. Niamh from Niamhs dream
2. Hannah from Hannah heartss
3. Helen from Cosmatics clothes and cute things
4. Megan from The Beauty Pier
5. Lucy from Lucylu
6. Lauren from Mega Beauty
7. Heather from Heatheresweet
8. Lauren from Laurensibs
9. Danielle from Nelleykat
10. Toni from Perks of being toni
11. Emily from Lilemilyjane
Here are the Questions:
1. Favorite Ice lolly?
2. Whats your Dream Job?
3. Whats The best film you have ever watched?
4. Jeans or leggings?
5. favorite Month?
6. Have you told anyone about your blog that you know in real life?
7. Would you rather go without blogs or go without YouTube for a year?
8. If you could only bring one thing on holiday with you what would it be?
9. What was the first concert you have been too?
10. Whats your favorite blog post to read?
11. Whats your pet hate?
Thanks for getting to the end hehehe, bit of a different post and thankyou for nominating me(:
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