Saturday 10 August 2013 Review

So before i went on holiday i discovered an american clothing website called choies, and i fell in love with everything on the website and of course the fact that it was free delivery yayy! So i obviously had to take an order and at the time i was searching for some new denim shorts for my holiday and i found these two. 
Choies is an american clothing website that provides stylish and affordable fashion pieces for teenage girls and young female adults.
Bart Simpson Shorts- $23.99 (£15.46)
Frayed denim shorts- $24.99 (£16.11)

These shorts were an absolute bargain at those prices compared to the UK high street even primark are upping they're prices to about £10-£12 for a pair and these are definitely better quality and look so much nicer and more expensive. Both pairs of shorts are high waisted (really hard to get hold of a good pair of high waisted shorts in the UK apart from the original Levis and even them are hard to get hold of sometimes) and come in a variety of sizes to fit all waist sizes.
Now onto the delivery, they're were two delivery options when i bought these shorts 
  • 4-7 Business day shipping -$15.00 (£9.67)
  • 15-30 Day Shipping -FREE
Obviously a big difference in price so i decided to go for the free option, and i was pleasantly surprised i received my order in a matter of 10 days which i thought was amazing and just in time for my holiday as well i was very glad. Each pair of shorts also came in an individual choies plastic bag which kept them very safe, so theyre were no packaging issues as when ordering from over seas sometimes the boxes they come in can be battered i find sometimes and items missing but this was not a problem with this website(:

Overall i would really recommend checking out this website as they also do some great sales and a variety of stylish items and i will be ordering from they're again. I will be featuring these items in some OOTD's very soon(:


  1. So cool..I like your pretty blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets nessa

    1. Sure, id love too and ive followed you your blog is gorgeous(:

  2. My experience was very different from yours!I ordered 8 items and i will be returning ALL OF THEM! The quality is terrible and for the price its just unacceptable. The sweater that I got was shedding unbelievably and both leggings had print marks on them. I filled in a form to get a refund but I'm worried that now my $180.00 are gone because their return policy states that (Note: 1.All items purchased on sale are non-returnable.) and almost all of mine were.I was so excited because I have read so many great review and what I received was a complete waste of money!!

    1. Ahh that sounds like you have had such a dreadful experience, im afraid it must just have been pot luck as my experience was great. However, if i was yo right now i recommend giving the company an email or something telling you about your experience and your opinions are on the products you received and maybe then they will consider a refund, sorry to hear about this but Good luck xx
