Sunday 28 April 2013

Tiny Weeny Haul

Hardly been able to do proper blog posts lately as i have so much school work at the moment, however yesterday i went on a little trip to town to pick up some jeans and some of those lovely primark crop tops that everyone has been buying, but once again my primark was full and it seemed they had every size in the world but mine, which was annoying but oh well, what can you do..
So yeah that's all i bought, the jeans are from H&M and are like really good quality for the price much better than primark ones hehe £14.99, the t-shirt is from Primark and was only £4.00 and has a lovely crochet detail on the back and front, then I bought the MUA Undressed palette for a measly £4.00.

Also i would just like to add that, it was so sad to hear about all those people dying in that factory in Bangladesh and i cant understand how anyone could ignore the warnings but nothing can be done now, I hope all there dear families finally find their family members so that they can see them for the last time before they grieve for them:( poor things...


  1. I desperately need to go to Primark soon as I've seen some lovely things from there atm. Love the top, it's really pretty! :)

    Heather xx

    1. yeah i need to go back soon, ive seen some lovely dresses(:
